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Shamanic Drums UK - Drum Birthing Workshops - Shamanic journeying UK - Shamanic healing - Kambo UK - Drumming Circles UK

A Gateway to Unconditional Love and Ancient Ways to heal!

Shamanism is the path to knowledge that is gained through the experiences of many aspects of life such as rituals, ceremonies, prayers, meditation, trials, and tests. This path is about being connected with nature, understanding that we are earth-based beings, the real and living knowledge which can be used to bring balance in life, to support our health, to improve relationships with ourselves as well as those around us, and to bring more peace into our over-stimulated state of mind.

Anima Pacha strives to support humanity by helping people reconnect with Nature, thus expanding their natural state of awareness and remembering the ancient source of our spiritual journey.

We aim to attain this peaceful state of mind by reminding, you that you are the light you seek within, and our job is to create a safe and loving space where you can begin to heal. We do this by offering various holistic treatments like Shamanic healing aka Shamanic journeying, Kambo natural detox, and energy healing. We also run monthly sound baths and regular Shamanic drum-making workshops. We also sell shamanic drums uk

We are based in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, a 12-minute drive from Loch Ness, just outside Balnain village, opposite Loch Meikle.

Anima Pacha was born after years of personal suffering, various health issues and a near death experience which was the catalyst to begin the spiritual journey and support other human beings during difficult periods in their lives. I have journeyed deep into Shamanism at Edinburgh Shamanic Centre and learnt how to use sound for therapeutic purposes with Soundsphere in the Scottish borders. I have also travelled to the Amazon jungle to work with the local plant medicines and to bring the teachings about the sacred uses of Kambo frog medicine from the Matses tribe.



Kambo aka Sapo or Acate is a traditional natural remedy that is used by various indigenous tribes of the Amazon. This nocturnal treefrog (lat. Phyllomedusa bicolor) produces skin secretion, which has been used for ages as a natural treatment in the Amazon jungle to cleanse the body in a purgative way. Kambo is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal, and thereby kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is anti-inflammatory, cleans the blood, and can improve general well-being. 



Shamanic Healing addresses the psychic and spiritual aspects of illnesses where an illness is seen as energy in an inappropriate place or in the form of a blockage. Shamanic Healing aims to remove these energy blockages and retrieve the lost soul parts to restore balance so that the person can be spiritually restored once again.



Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Ideally, a hypnotic, meditative, or theta brainwave state is created which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.




We meet together to bathe in the spirit of the drum. Together we will journey into the landscapes of our ancestors, to connect with the timeless wisdom that still rolls over these hills and whispers through the forests. Shamanic drumming uses a repetitive rhythm that begins slowly and then gradually builds in intensity to a tempo of three to seven beats per second. The ascending tempo will induce light to deep trance states, and facilitate the shamanic techniques of journeying, shapeshifting, and divination. 




If you are looking to create your own Shamanic Drum, blessed by Nature and born within a sacred space, then please get in touch as I would love to help you make this dream come true. 

The workshop is held at my house in the beautiful Highlands, only a 12min drive from Loch Ness.

Shamanic Drums UK


My love for Nature and this planet Earth has existed since the beginning of my soul's journey. Every single living being, be it a plant, an insect, a wild animal, a pet, a human being, or a tree, is here for a reason, and I can feel this statement deeply within my being.

One of the reasons I am so passionate about Rewilding is that I strongly believe that we must be the change we would like to see in this world. The journey begins by taking responsibility for our actions in order to create a more balanced environment for everyone to thrive in.


As a gratitude to all the customers who have been supporting my small business since its birth in 2018, I have created a new Tree Grove plantation with Trees for Life. A small part of my monthly salary will go towards planting trees in the Scottish Highlands.

You can find more information by following the VIRTUAL FOREST link above:


Trees planted do date - 10

What do people say about us? 


Liz Harris

Ilona must be one of the most talented creators of Shaman tools... I have 2 of her beautiful drums and their spirit sings out so beautifully... a true gift indeed...created and birthed from the heart..thank you ❤️
Would you recommend Anima Pacha? YES

Anima Pacha
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