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Shamanic Drums UK - Drum Workshops - Shamanic journeying (Shamanic healing) - Shamanic Drumming Circles UK

My journey so far


  • Shamanic practitioner

  • Kambo / Sapo practitioner

  • Featherstone energy healing practitioner

  • Therapeutic sound practitioner

  • Artist of sacred ceremonial tools ( Shamanic drums, rattles and more)


My name is Ilona, a Lithuanian soul currently living 10 minutes away from Loch Ness in the heart of the Scottish Highlands. I moved to Scotland in 2008 straight after finishing high school. It was a very immense step for me to take, but deep down in my heart, I have felt this pull towards Scotland, which to this day I am not able to express in words. Over the years I have moved further and further up North until I have found the most magical place in the Glen Urquhart valley, opposite Loch Meikle where I live with my husband and two huskies. It is a truly breathtaking environment filled with the most fascinating scenery, wild animals, hills and the most remarkable Earth energies. A place like no other, that I call my ancestral home, which you are welcome to visit.


From a very young age, I was deeply connected to the land around me and all its living beings. I grew up surrounded by the scenic Lithuanian forest and sacred lakes that kept me deeply connected to all 5 elements that are shaping this planet on a daily basis (the Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water and the Ether). Soon after leaving my country, I fell into a very dark place, some people call it ‘’the dark night of the soul’, others – depression. Regardless of the label, I always struggled to understand why I felt so much pain for many years. The catalyst realisation for necessary changes to my own life appeared after I had a rock-climbing fall in the hills. I simply had no energy left in me to continue on the path I was at the time, so one day I found myself in the Amazonian jungle in Peru. I sat in many ceremonies with the local curanderos (shamans) and drank sacred plant medicines which have enabled me to experience life in its full perfection for the very first time. I was gifted the sight of my own soul and a realisation, that my extreme sensitivity is not a curse, but rather a gift, that I can use to hold the space for other people whilst they are going through their own healing process. I have seen the perfection of life, which I am not even going to try to put into words, yet I feel there is still so much to be learnt. My soul is deeply grateful for all the teachings gifted to me so far by the sacred plant medicines. I honour this path with sacredness and am always ready to share it with those, who are ready to receive it. 


Ever since returning from Peru, I have embarked on a deep spiritual journey both through my personal path, but also through learning the ancient ways of healing with Mark and Claudia at Edinburgh Shamanic Centre.

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Shamanic drums UK
Shamanic healing UK 
shamanic journeying UK

Smudging is a sacred ritual that have been used for thousands of year by various people accross the world.
Shamanic Drumming is a sacred practise

Why Shamanic Healing (aka Shamanic journeying) one may ask?


Shamanic Healing addresses the psychic and spiritual aspects of illnesses where an illness is seen as energy in an inappropriate place or the form of a blockage. Shamanic Healing aims to remove these energy blockages and retrieve the lost soul parts to restore balance so that the person can be spiritually restored. Being an extremely sensitive empath, I hold energetic sensitivity for my client, which allows me to guide them during their shamanic journey. I love empowering my clients by directly allowing them to experience their healing power.


For more information, please follow the link below:

Kambo frog - The Amazon jungle 2019
Preparation of Kambo treatment
Kambo gates burnt to the skin where the Kambo medicine is then applied to
Kambo gates burnt to the skin where the Kambo medicine is then applied to

What is Kambo and why use it?


I have since returned to Peru once again to work with Kambo Naturista and members of the Matses tribe in order to serve Kambo in my community. Kambo has been another sacred medicine gifted to me by Nature and the people holding its teachings. I am to this day always amazed by how much healing it brings to myself and my clients. Kambo has potent effects on the whole human body, mind, and soul. Traditionally it is used for:

  • Healing and cleansing of the body

  • Physical strength and stamina

  • Spiritual and mental clarity

  • Luck and zest for life.


If you are ready to embark on a very special and sacred healing experience, please get in touch. I now offer treatments at my home.


You can find more information about this here:

Sound healing journey

What is sound healing?


The sound has metamorphosised into the most important part both in my own personal healing, but also by working with the clients through Kambo and Shamanic practices. I now realised that sound is one of the best tools to release the most hidden emotions buried deep within our souls. This is a very beautiful new beginning for me and I am so excited to be sharing this with you.


For more information on upcoming events, please visit the following page:

I have a particular interest in creating sacred tools closely related to the Earth and always use the materials provided to me by nature in their rawest form. For example, I only ever use naturally fallen branches from the trees or loose feathers found on the ground.  I value the gifts given by the Spirits and always hold gratitude ceremonies for them to honour an opportunity to use these gifts to create art.


Being deeply connected to the Earth through my personal spiritual journey, I have developed a special relationship with her over the years.  All living energy is continuously guiding and inspiring me to create sacred tools closely related to Mother Earth. Some of the items consist of:

  • Shamanic drums

  • Shamanic rattles

  • Leather art (medicine bags, belts)

  • Shamanic drums bags

  • Ethically sourced feathers fans

  • Unique natural jewellery


I always use the materials provided to me by nature in their rawest form. For example, I only ever use naturally fallen branches from the trees or loose feathers found on the ground.  I value the gifts given by the Spirits and always hold gratitude ceremonies for them to honour an opportunity to use these gifts to create art.

Ceremonial, ritual and tribal tools or decorations are always created within sacred spaces and blessed in a ceremony. Everything is created with much love and care.

Most materials including various rawhides, feathers, antlers and wood are naturally sourced from Nature, Scottish Highlands or Native American craft tradesmen.



Please get in touch if you would like to order some sacred art or work with me in order to explore your own healing powers.


I also love COLLABORATIONS, so if you would like to co-create together, please get in touch and let’s make some magic.





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